Thursday, September 22, 2005

ToyFare by Candlelight

Well... that certainly was an interesting evening. Nothing compared to the folks in the Gulf, and nothing compared to people in the northwest suburbs, but still...

6 pm: After picking up Chipotle for dinner, I get home. The whole drive I wish that I had my sunglasses as it was so bright outside.

6:30: Looking outside I see that its dark and cloudy.

6:45: A friend online says that there's tornado sirens going off in downtown Minneapolis. At that time I decide its probably time to shut down. I gather a radio, flashlight, and a book, and head into the hallway.

7:00: Power goes out in the entire complex. The storm rumbles in soon after, blowing hard and raining hard.

An hour goes from bright and sunny to hard storming. Just, yeah, wow.

Spent the next few hours hanging in the hallway, talking to some neighbors and listening to 830. At about 10 pm the storm's more or less passed, but the power hasn't come back on. I returned to my room and read my magazine by candlelight, using some candles that an ex had left three years ago.

After going to sleep around 11:30 or midnight, I was woken up God knows when (no clocks except for my cellphone, which was near the point of death) to a booming noise. Looking out across the parking lot I see the box on a power pole sparking and flailing. The power's back on at that point, I see by looking at my PS2's little red light. After the sparking's done, however, the power goes out again.

I couldn't tell you if that last paragraph was a dream or not. Just an odd night overall.

Got up this morning with my cell's alarm clock, then with my mom calling to tell me that my cousin in Brooklyn Park was at home alone last night, and was freaking out of her mind, so my aunt & uncle called my folks to ask them to check her out. What's normally a 20 minute drive took them an hour because of fallen trees and power lines in the BP area.

After waiting at my bus stop, a Metro Transit minivan stopped and told me and the other guy at the stop that the bus wasn't coming around our loop. One side of the road was blocked by a downed power line, so we had to hoof it a half mile to get up to where the bus was picking up.

In the end, my area didn't get it as bad as Andover and Brooklyn Park, but we definitely got it worse than some of the areas I drove by on the way into downtown. Big trees downed all over, I guess a few windows got blown out in the complex, and as of 7 am this morning when I left for work I was still without power. So I'll probably be eating out for dinner a lot the next few days, as I don't necessarily trust stuff in a dead fridge for so long.

So that was my evening.

In COMPLETELY unrelated news, I found a link on Penny Arcade that linked me to this article about the new Nintendo controllers. Being surrounded by so many PlayStation and XBox lovers, Nintendo haters, the article put things into a different light, basically pointing out that Nintendo's focus, especially nowadays, is creating new genres and innovations over using the established ones like the other two do. Very interesting article, and points out a lot of things that are mainstream now, created originally by Nintendo.


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