Wednesday, April 12, 2006

New Pairing List!

Well, first half of one, anyway. So far none of my big wants (Ginny Weasley, Kazuo Kiriyama, Mitsuko Souma, Shogo Kawada, Terra from Teen Titans) have made an appearance yet, I don't think, but here's a few that I have found. I'll narrow things down once I see part two and do the picture pairing and comments that I did last time:

32 Roland Deschain (Dark Tower)/Vincent Vega (Pulp Fiction)
63 Kaylee (Firefly)/Tara (BtVS)
48 Fred (Angel)/Simon (Firefly)
126 Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)/Eddie Dean (Dark Tower)
143 Zack (Power Rangers)/River (Firefly)
231 Emmitt Brown (Back To The Future)/Ethan Rayne (BtVS)
257 Spike (BtVS, Angel)/Earl Hickey (My Name Is Earl)

June 15th is the deadline, so I have no problem waiting till after KMK's over to start this puppy.

EDIT: Oh, and 228 Lionel Luthor (Smallville)/Mr Tumnus (Narnia) is just begging to be written

EDITER: 167 Fox Mulder (X-Files)/Lumiere (Beauty & The Beast)... oh, come on, you don't think Fox would be intruiged?

EDITEST: Seeing the pairing of David Xanatos (Gargoyles)/Stitch (Lilo and Stitch) got me thinking... why haven't the Gargoyles shown up in the Kingdom Hearts series? Isn't this the perfect outlet for them?

EDITEST THE SEQUEL: I forgot to put the link to the list. Now it's there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Score, a couple of mine have already gotten put into pairs with other characters I know!!! :)

Also, I knew you'd like that Roland/Vincent pairing... ;)

Wed Apr 12, 08:49:00 AM 2006  

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