Monday, October 03, 2005

I Have A Small One

Subaru celebrated an Employee Appreciation Festival in Japan. Part of the deal was a life-sized version of Transformers Alternators Smokescreen, of which I have the small version.

Check it out.

Well, as I said at the beginning of the weekend, I recieved my three Transformers from Amazon. Of the three, one exceeds my expectations, one met them.

And then there's Undermine.

Oh, where to begin? I didn't expect much from this pile, but, hey, he was free.

The alt mode, that of a velociraptor-style dinosaur. Good coloration, a little bright, but not as bad as the picture I'm attaching (Japanese version, no American pictures posted that I've found yet). But it also shows off the problem with the gimmick-focus of the newest line. A lot of toys are built for Planet Key features. Undermine simply shouldn't have one, or at least this one. The feature, a knife that comes out of the back, is contained within a big ugly fin. Pretty worthless function.

Robot mode... oy. Beyond the fact that they went Beast Wars cheap route with the legs, and made the head split into two arms, both of which can't hold anything and are inside out... Well, what else can be said except THIS ROBOT HAS NO HEAD! Just two little eyeslits sticking out of his neck.

And the Planet Key feature is the knife.

Sticking out of his forehead.

To, I don't know, headbutt.

Or something.

One would ask, why, Bill, why? Why would you get him? Well, he was free, for one. And, for another, he's still probably the best of the Jungle Planet scouts that will be released in the next few months (check out Saidos, Terra Shaver, and weep), and I felt like I needed a little something to stand next to my Scourge.

Also, his alt mode isn't that bad.

He'll just be staying that way for a long time.

So, yeah, that's Undermine. The other two I'll talk about tomorrow and Wednesday.

For those who decided to stick around till the end of this rant, the rest of my weekend was pretty good. As you saw in my previous entry, I saw Serenity over the weekend, and it met and exceeded all of my expectations. I'm crossing my fingers for a sequel, even if that means made for TV or direct-to-video.

This week is looking somewhat busy, somewhat empty so far. Two non-dates is more than I usually get in a week, with the potential for a third this weekend, so that's good. But, yeah, they're also non-dates. More to come.


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