Thursday, September 29, 2005


That's kinda how I felt yesterday when I found out that Subway's dropped Cheddar cheese from their cheese selection. Provalone? Sure, why not, but drop pepper jack first. Grrrrr.

Minor complaint, yes. But it needed to be said.

I am at home today, because I had to officially get myself out of the apartment. Beat up some bedframes (awesome), did some vacuuming, and a final spot check. Then turned my key in, and I'm officially out.

Now its time to find a new place. Eventually. I'm a lazy bastard. We'll see how long it takes me to jump out a window here.

Before picking up some Chipotle for lunch, I made one final stop at my apartment's local Wal-Mart. And, whaddayaknow? Armorhide!

Armorhide's a scout figure from the Cybertron series. A more recent concept from Hasbro, Armorhide is the second of three figures designed by Hasbro for release in the US only, the first being Hardtop. The other figures for all other series are designed by Takara Japan, and released there a few months before they show up here.

I've been looking forward to this figure since I saw its design for the first time at the beginning of the summer. And I wasn't disappointed.

Armorhide's vehicle mode is a simple, colorful semi truck cab. It's a slightly different design for a cab than all the Optimus Primes of the world, with a windsheer roof (I think, no clue what they're actually called, but you know what I mean). The Earth Planet Key feature opens up a very cool missile launcher component.

When I had originally seen the design for the figure, I assumed the transformation would be your basic, again, Optimus transformation. Trailer hitch becomes the legs, arms come out the side, head flips up from the top. Simple and effective.

But the designers got creative. Armorhide takes the Optimus convention and literally flips it on it's head. Instead of the legs, the trailer hitch splits and flips to the side, becoming the arms. The legs are formed by the top of the cab, the windshield and the wind... sheer... thingy. Yeah.

The result is a reversed, but refreshing, truck figure.

The Planet Key, again, does the same thing as the vehicle mode, opening the chest to reveal a missile battery. But Hasbro added something that I'm surprised wasn't put on more figures: a storage space on the gun for the Key. No kibble!

More reviews to come this weekend. I ordered three figures on Amazon, using the buy-2-get-1 deal being run by TRU this week, and they should be arriving tomorrow or Monday.


Blogger Turtle said...

Screw getting rid of pepper jack, I'm all for getting rid of that "white american" wannabe kraft singles shit. Friends brought me subway last night and I just couldn't believe they'd get rid of one of their "good" cheeses for the provolone, when there are places (NYC, when I was there) that don't even carry the american cheese. It's raunchy, and in markets where they actually compete with real delis, they don't even dare pull it out.

Grrr (I'm sick and grumpy and I love good cheese).

Thu Sep 29, 03:10:00 PM 2005  

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