Monday, April 17, 2006


- Ooh, look at me, I'm so special, I'm making Arthur avatars like they're going out of style.

- Today is the 17th of April, the day after Easter. And we all know what that means...

PHASE 3 CANDY!! W00000T!

- Addiction #3: My friend and I made a miraculous discovery on Saturday. One that will surely be my downfall in the evenings to come.

We found a $40 used copy of Guitar Hero.

Sweet mother of mercy, it's like crack.

We played till about midnight on Saturday. She came over again Sunday night at about 8 or 8:30, and we played till about 11:30. Then she left and I played until midnight.

But, hey, I beat the medium level. Yes, since I know you're reading this, I beat Frankenstein after you left, followed by two rounds of Ziggy Stardust before bed at medium with a 95 and 97% percent accuracy. Figured Ace of Spades would be the last song I'd want to do right before bed, so Ziggy was calm enough for me.

For those reading this who don't know Guitar Hero, here's the basic summary: Think Dance Dance Revolution, but with a guitar instead of a foot pad. You have five "fret buttons" on the neck and a little switch on the body that you use to "strum" or "pluck" the guitar. They also give you a whammy bar for the long notes. Notes glide down the screen (like the arrows in DDR), and you strum the guitar while holding the right button. You get a score according to accuracy.

Difficult to describe, probably boring to watch if you don't care, incredibly fun to play.

Otherwise, my weekend was alright. Had Easter brunch with the fam. Asked questions to a few friends that I did and didn't want to know the answers to. Started counting the days until this dreaded show is over and I can get to work on Oz.


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