Monday, May 08, 2006


Weekend One of Two-Obligation weekend is out of the way. KMK is off the boards, and for that I can only say *happy dance!*

And I attended what I thought was a wedding, then just a reception, then it turned into a wedding again when I arrived. Pretty good deal, the wedding was a Christian/Jewish coupling (wow, that came out wrong). Since they didn't want to decide between a priest and a rabbi (no punchline) they ended up with a Justice running the ceremony. That made for a nice short ceremony, which was nice.

Considering I knew exactly two people in the entire ceremony, both of whom were at the head table, it was sort of slow for me overall. I got to talk to one girl for a while, the best looking girl in the place, who also didn't know anyone else but one of the guys holding the huppah (her boyfriend, curse my eyes). And the table I was seated at was full of the bride's college buddies, all physics/chemistry/poli-sci folks.

Good folks, but it could have been mathier.

Plus I helped one of my friends finish up his film for some website contest that I couldn't link you to, since I don't know the site. So that's out of the way.

Next weekend I have wedding number 2 and Mother's Day.

The weekend after that? Freedom!

I think. Knowing my luck...


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