Thursday, May 04, 2006

Yub Yub

In what can either be viewed as a great move, or a shrewd marketing tool, Lucasfilm is releasing the original Star Wars Trilogy, digitally remastered but otherwise unaltered, on DVD this fall.

When I first heard it, I had the expected reaction. "Woo hoo! The original Ewok ending! Anakin's ghost is a middle-aged man! Han shoots first!"

But the more I think about it, the more frustrated I am. It was stated in the past that Lucasfilm would never release the original trilogy, which is why so many people shelled $50 for the Special-Special Edition. We figured it was the best we were gonna get.

Now this.

Asking for another $50 bucks, and leaving us with our dust-gathering Super-Duper Special Editions in order to get what we wanted in the first place.

Which leaves me with these choices:

1) Being a goat, and buying both trilogies when the new one is released this fall.

2) Being a shrewd goat, posting the fantastically-super-spectacular Special Editions on eBay now, before everyone else starts posting. I could get what I can from selling it, and pick up the new version when it is released.

3) Don't sell the Goddamn-Miraculous Special Edition on eBay, and pray to God that I can find the original on discount someday.

*sigh* The things we nerds have to go through.

Well, at least I still haven't given them the prequel money yet.


Blogger Josh Miller said...

Bleh, I'm just waiting for a boxed set of all 6 movies in one go.

Fri May 05, 09:05:00 AM 2006  

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