Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Boy, I hope this stuff clears up by Thursday. I'm not feeling sick, I'm just having a scratchy throat and am hacking up stuff that is probably best not described in this diatribe. I tried singing in the shower this morning and got VERY nervous. However, if I try it tonight it'll probably be better. Here's hoping, at least.

Worst-case scenario I'm dropping the octave Thursday. And I'm probably taking half a day off Thursday just to make sure I'm gonna be alright.

In other news... well, I don't know... lol I got a few PlayStation 2 games yesterday, but since my PlayStation's with Jenn, I'll be taking full advantage of them at another time.

And I got a wink on Match, woo hoo! I emailed her back, hopefully she responds soon, she sounds like the kind of person who I'd get along with quite well.

Oh, and Kate Holmes is not going to be in the next Batman, so that leaves the DA post WIDE open for whoever is to be cast as Harvey Dent. Guy Pierce? Sean Bean? Russell Crowe? I had a perfect one that I thought of a few days ago, but it has currently slipped my mind. Curses...


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