Saturday, July 16, 2005

Break #2

Gonna blog and check my email, then make some Toys R Us runs and dinner.

The score so far:

One theory right, one theory wrong, two more theories in doubt, with one left to be decided.

Other spoiler-free thoughts as I near the half-way point of the book:

- It's good to see Malfoy get more of a backbone so far.

- It's also good to see that Rowling hasn't neglected any characters from the previous books, and has also brought back some old favorites.

- I'm sure my feelings aren't as strong as others I know, but I've had fan-fic on my mind so much lately that I often have to remind myself that this is actually in-canon work. When you read movie fic, tv fic, comic book fic, its easier because its a different medium. This is the written word.

- Piggy-backing on that last thought, a lot of what's happened so far feels like fan-fic. But not in a bad way.

- Piggy-backing off THAT, I certainly hope American parents know what the word "snog" means, or else we could be getting into some REALLY muddy waters.

Anyway, off I go to toys and burritos.


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