Thursday, November 17, 2005

Doctor's Appointment Tomorrow

Potter Tonight!

I think many of us are excited.

Here's hoping it's a good movie, because I've been wanting this one in the series since... well, since I read it in the first place. Unfortunately, after this it's all downhill, as I'm not as big of a fan of the next two in the series, and am not sure either of them are going to be as cool in translation.

Unless you're looking for death.

Or a fanboy waiting to see girls they've been fantasizing about start snogging.

Which still sounds dirtier than it is.

I also have a doctor's appointment tomorrow for, um, stuff that you probably don't want me to hear about. Nothing like, I don't know, private. Just not fit for public discussion, is all.

I think I'm gonna pick and choose and start copying some of these blogs over to my myspace account. If for no other reason than I'll probably have more readers over there. Picking and choosing because, with hopes of meeting someone from that area, Transformers reviews probably aren't the most attractive thing in the world.

I don't see myself stopping over here, though.


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