Friday, November 11, 2005


Well, maybe a little...

This morning I chucked my spare change into the change machine here at work. About 76 dollars came out, along with a few extra non-changables. Amongst them, a penny from 1918.

I checked the coin seller nearby, and he said it's only worth 2 cents. But it's still 1) the oldest penny I've probably ever owned, and 2) PROFIT if I ever wanna trade it in. that's what I call doubling in value. ;) Plus they seem to be selling on eBay for more, so even if I get a quarter for it that's what I call 2400% profit!

God, it's slow here at work today. My usual e-mail buddy is out of the office because of Veteran's Day. I work at a bank, yet I don't get bank holidays off. Go figure... I just wanna go home, not talk, and make The Moon or The North Star on Katamari.

I love how that last statement makes no sense to most people reading this.

Last night I went to a show at the Old Log Theatre, one of the more prestigious theatres in the metro area. The show, Murder At The Howard Johnson's, was free through my realtor. Thank goodness I didn't pay for it.

I mean, the cast was fine, they did well with what they were given. But, bless em, the script just wasn't that good.

Because it's either this or math puzzles, I'm gonna bore you all with a little more review.

When images of Takara's Galaxy Force line started coming out of Japan, there was one figure in particular that I yearned for the second I saw it. And now, yippee skippee, I's gots it!

Sideways (Noisemaze in Japan, which is still a name I haven't quite figured out) is a character who has straddled the line in both Armada & Cybertron. At times he has been both an Autobot & a Decepticon, but has always had his own agenda, or followed the agenda of Unicron.

As an Armada figure, he was a cool motorcycle, a butt-ugly robot with an odd, even more butt-uglier, Mini-Con feature. In Cybertron, however, he's dark, demonic, and the most Japanese-looking figure I've seen in any of the Transformers lines.

Sideways alt-mode is difficult to describe. Kinda a space-ship, kinda a star fighter, kinda a stealth bomber, it follows along with the idea that the character comes from a different planet than, well, pretty much all of the other Transformers. A little bulgy, but still neat. His Planet Key function, which is a unique shape to all others, serves two purposes. One is to change his faction symbol from Autobot to Decepticon, and the other, if the turret is raised, is to spread out the orange energy blade things.

Robot mode is where this guy excels, however. The color scheme of black, silver, and orange is a rare thing to see in these figures. The turret hooked to his arm looks cool without impeding the figure (like on Thundercracker). The wings on his legs can be removed to create a huge twin blade, which, when placed along with the Planet Key feature, creates one of the coolest looks I've seen in a Cybertron figure.

And his face! This is where he becomes so Japanese. His head is a cross between Go Nagai's Devilman and an ancient Japanese demon mask. Just a huge gaping maw that I wouldn't wanna cross paths with.

For a ten-dollar figure, this guy's worth every penny.


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