Sunday, December 25, 2005

Hot Wax on the Crotch

So those candlelight services can be a pain. Just when you think you've made it through without burning your hand... well it skips the hand and goes into our most private of parts... it didn't burn, it just made a white mark where a white mark probably shouldn't be...

Things are good around here... Christmas Eve is done, with the stash so far being a shirt, an electric toothbrush, and Batman Begins.

I haven't written any Potter in a few days. I know where I'm going (the choosing of the seven, the reconciliation between Harry & Ginny, and the final battle with Voldemort), but I don't know how I want to get there without too much machina.

Finally, I got myself an early Christmas present last night: Galvatron, Galvatron, Galvatron! More on that later, thought, I'll be going to bed and handing the laptop off to my brother.

EDIT: Oops, forgot to block out that spoiler warning. If anyone cares. And also fixed any fragments of shtuff resulting from typing in a church-induced haze at 12:30 in the morning.


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