Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Okay, so that didn't work. I don't even think I had five hits on this thing.

Well, rehearsals have begun in earnest for Oz. I think. If your definition of "earnest" means "blocking starts tonight, and it's only two or three rehearsals a week, but, hell, at least it's the only show you're doing right now," then, yes, it's begun in earnest.

I bought a new Transformer on Sunday after wedding 1. Not much to write home about, except to say that Shortround has a cool alt-mode, freakishly long and poorly-built arms on an otherwise cool robot mode, and is apparently named after the kid from Temple of Doom.

Beyond that, there's really nothing new to report except that my body's been giving me problems in the last week or two. Trust me, you all don't want detail, but I'll just say that there's a good chance I'll be attending a doctor's office tomorrow.

Good times. Good times.


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