Tuesday, March 28, 2006


So this is what my last twenty minutes have been like:

"Yeah, we were supposed to have Kingdom Hearts II in today, but they screwed up shipping, so we might be getting it tomorrow."

"Sorry, we can't fix your tire, we have to replace it. But we don't know if you have a warranty on it, and we don't feel like calling the people you bought it from."

"Oh, and the tire you had replaced last winter? It's the wrong size."

"Yeah, you'll have to pay for that one, too, we won't replace it since, you know, don't feel like calling..."

"BTW, even though you only asked for an oil change, thought we'd mention a few minor leaks you'll have to spend $600 bucks to fix. Even though you brought the car in at 7 am, it's now 2 pm and we're telling you about it, so there's no guarantee that we'll have it done by the time you need it."

"Please shop with us again."


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