Saturday, March 25, 2006

Random Thoughts As I Sit Alone

- There's a Chipotle within a mile of my new place. This knowledge will ultimately undo me.

Or at least make them have to punch a hole in the side of my condo to get my dead carcass out one day.

- My bathtub is warm. No, not the water, the actual tub. Does this actually exist, or is there some sort of trick going on with the water heater? There are no other heat sources in that room besides the tub, yet somehow it's one of the warmest rooms in the place.

- Is it sad that I'm less than a week off of finishing the story, yet I already have prequels rolling around in my head? Fleshing out the stuff that's described in the first two chapters, the first five or six months of their journey?

Right now it's mainly stemming from a conversation I'm seeing in my head between Hermione, Ron, and a very flustered Harry having a frank discussion about the outdoor, magical equivalent of "putting a hanger on the doorknob."

Oh, Lord, I kept away from that stuff in the story because I had to. But, dammit, if I get into a prequel, one of those early chapters is going to border on slash, I think. Nothing graphic, probably just some accidental nudity in those chapters before everything starts going horribly wrong.

Heaven help us all.

EDIT: Why doesn't anybody ever TELL me that slash only refers to gay couples? Here I thought it meant any type of coupling... *sigh* okay, fine, not slash fic, just sex, alright? Hot, monkey sex...


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