Friday, March 24, 2006

Better, Prettier Things

My stomach's still tight bout what happened yesterday, but, meh, it's in her court now.

On to cooler stuff.

I got my Toyfare magazine yesterday, and it included a ton of shots from the New York Toy Fair. I know everyone here is sick of me talking bout Transformers, but I know people reading this will be interested in some of the other stuff they had. Any pictures I link to will be from Altered States Magazine's website, since Toyfare doesn't have links on theirs, but some will be going through affiliates.

Pirates of the Carribean 2: a nice Will Turner, plus two of the new characters, Maccus and Palaifico, both with that human/sea creature theme going. No picture of Palaifico on the net, but, trust me, he's a coral man. Weird, but cool.

Harry Potter: Gentle Giant has some really nice busts from Goblet of Fire, all of them digitally sculpted, including Hermione, Nearly Headless Nick, and Death Eater Malfoy.

Buffy: Really nice figure sets, including five different Xanders (w/ eye patch, vampire makeup, and ice cream man uniform), a final episode Cordelia, and a Summers Family 3-pack (Buffy, Dawn, and an ax-wielding Joyce).

Fantastic Four Animated Series: Dammit, I wish I had cable. This series is coming out on Cartoon Network, and it looks awesome. Especially Dr Doom. The painted-on "4" on Thing's chest is a nice touch, too.

X-Men: Suped-Up figures, separate from the series and the movies, feature Nightcrawler, Avalanche, and Rogue amongst the cooler ones.

Final Fantasy: Kick ass mini-collectable figures of Tifa, Vincent, Tidus, and Zidane (good to see FFIX get some love)

Kingdom Hearts: Statuettes of Kairi, Sora, Goofy, Jack, and quite possibly the prettiest Cloud sculpt I've ever seen.

More later...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, the faces sort of suck on the Dawn and Xander figures, but other than that the Buffy figures rock!

And is it just me, or does Rogue look better endowed on the figures than in real life? lol

Fri Mar 24, 11:14:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Bill said...

Well, it IS the older, comic book version of Rogue, not the Anna Paquin, teen-aged version. So she would probably be boobier.

Fri Mar 24, 11:30:00 AM 2006  

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