Monday, March 20, 2006

Two Missions Accomplished

- I miscalculated: 16 major characters died in my story.

Anyone volunteer to beta this sumnabitch?

- I beat Pokemon: Emerald this afternoon on my lunch break. Well, beat it one way. Without anyone around to do any trades with, I'm never going to be able to, ahem, catch em all.

Pika Pika.

Elsewhere, I accomplished both of these just in time. This afternoon I picked up Tetris DS. And tonight I start rehearsal for a show that I'm 2 or 3 weeks behind. Woo hoo.

Oh, also, I have to make something known. I watched the deleted scenes from Rent last night, and it once again confirmed one of my beefs with the movie: They TOTALLY short-changed Benny. Yeah, he's the closest thing the play gets to the bad guy, I can see that. But after watching the deleted scenes I realized that they had filmed stuff to actually make him appear human and compationate, and begin to redeem himself. Paying for Angel's funeral, and saying he never really liked Evita anyway. Along with Mark, trying to get Mimi into therapy. Meeting with Roger after he comes back. Heck, he was even in the alternate ending.

But he was slashed completely out of the picture after the argument at the cemetary. Grrr.


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