Friday, March 17, 2006


So, yeah, this is an article I wish I had avoided longer. Thank God there's no pictures. But it's yet another reason for me to root for Villanova.

During the regional playoffs versus Pittsburgh last friday, Allan Ray hurt his eye.

Well, not just hurt. He had it friggin popped out of its socket.

Augh! Ugh! Urrr... *shudder*

I never saw it happen, and it was so grisly that ESPN will never air it again, although the video's still circulating the internet if someone out there is morbid enough to want to see it.

I can handle watching hyperextensions. I can handle broken limbs. But lord help me if someone takes my eye out, because I'll go insane. For some reason that's the one body part that any thought of pain or(*shudder*) dismemberment makes my toes curl.

Good luck to ya, Allen "No, I'm not Ray Allen" Ray. I'm pullin for ya.


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