Thursday, May 11, 2006


Here I am.

I didn't write yesterday because... ummm...

Do you really wanna know?

Brief summary: My abdomen has been hurting the last few days. I took yesterday off work to go to the doctor. He gave me something to fix it.

I won't get into details about what it involved, since you don't wanna hear, but I'll just say that I'm all cleaned out.

Let's continue...

Since I was at home for most of the afternoon, I'm sure I probably COULD have posted an update, but since most of the time was spent in front of the TV playing Kingdom Hearts II, there probably isn't a lot to say.

All I can say is that so far I'm doing a good job making my way through the game this second time through. In order to get the super-duper-secret ending you have to complete the game on Proud Mode (Hard difficulty) or complete Jiminy's Journal on the medium difficulty. I chose the latter option, which means I need to:

- Talk to everyone
- Get x points on every mini-game
- Find every map & every treasure chest

I might have to beat Sephiroth, too, which is quite possibly going to be a huge pain in the ass.

So far I've been doing well. I've been focusing on two things this time: the treasure chests (100% so far) and the Drives. Drives, for those who haven't played the game, are kinda "dual" attacks, where Sora combines with Goofy, Donald, or both to add certain attacks for a set amount of time. Drives, as well as Summons, can be levelled up like a regular character, with each levelling adding new techniques to both the Drive/Summons as well as Sora in regular mode.

Unfortunately, I didn't realize 1) how to level Drives properly and 2) how important the levelling was until far too late in the game. So I made sure levelling them was a priority this time around, and I've been doing well so far. I maxed out Valor Form before I received Wisdom Form, and maxed out my Summons before I picked up the second Summons (in both cases, you can only level up to a certain level until you recieve more Drives/Summons). I'll be maxing more after I recieve the other two Forms, Master and Final.

In other, less video-game-centric news, my small theatre group is attempting to get into the Fringe Festival this year. Fringe Festival is a 10-day theatre festival here in the Twin Cities, with a couple hundred shows being put about a dozen venues around the city.

My group is currently on the waiting list. In the top ten on the waiting list.

And we haven't moved at all in the past 3 weeks.

Come on, people, quit! We wanna be in the mix!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which ones are you on the list...?

Thu May 11, 08:44:00 AM 2006  

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