Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Whattan Anniversary

Ever been reading a book when you suddenly realize that the date during which the book occurs is the same date as you're reading it? Maybe not the same year, most likely, unless you're reading sci-fi, but the calendar date?

How about reading a book when you suddenly realize that the date and time during which the book is occurs is almost the exact time that you're reading it?

For those of you who read Dark Tower, you'll get it. For those who haven't... well, here ya go:

On May 9th, 1977, at 8:25 am Eastern Standard Time, John "Jake" Chambers is pushed into the street by Jack Mort, hit by a car and is killed.

On May 9th, 1977, at 8:25 am Eastern Standard Time, John "Jake" Chambers is not hit by a car and does not die. The paradox slowly drives him insane until he is rescued by Roland and his ka-tet.

On May 9th, 2006, at 7:25 am Central Standard Time (8:25 Eastern), I was on the bus reading the chapter in which John "Jake" Chambers was supposed to get hit by a car, but doesn't.

What are the odds of that happening?


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