Monday, May 15, 2006

Too Much Nerd

So, if someone posts a comment on a blog, and the word verification code sparks your brain into nerd thoughts...

that's a bad thing, right?

I just posted a comment on someone's blog entry, and the verification was such:


TF Nukess.

A female transformer named Nukess? Possibly a bomber or a rocket launcher?

That would be sweet.

She'd be like a shellbot like Chromia, but without the huge wings.

Unless someone wants to go the "bulky female" route.

Hey, they did it with Overdrive.

Note how I don't say "It worked for Overdrive," a male character that the American translators decided to make female, because "we need more girls!"

Actually, Nukess could be a damn good name for a female Seeker.

See, yeah, that's my brain functioning on a Monday after a weekend with far from enough sleep.

I had another weekend where I had so much nothing planned, and in the end it turned out to be quite a bit more than expected.

Between Mom's Day shopping, Mom's Day itself, a wedding and reception of which I was the last one to leave (except for the DJ and cleaning crew), and my total inability to put down the controller while playing Kingdom Hearts II...

Well, you can understand why I didn't get to that desperately-needed Fem Slash story.

So this week I have a get-together with a friend tonight, an audition tomorrow, and two nights of rehearsal.

This weekend, though... seriously... I have a slight chance of getting to it.


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