Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Artfully Avoiding the "Beam Me Up, God" Pun

James "Scotty" Doohan dies at the age of 65.

It's too bad he couldn't be around for a few more years. After seeing his picture, I realized he would have made a FANTASTIC Horace Slughorn. He has the physical features, the likability. And even though he was born in Vancouver you KNOW he plays a good Scot.

Does make ya wonder, though... I wonder how they're going to cast the next few Potters? There's not a lot of major characters introduced into any of them, so there's not a lot of new ones to add. And the way they're described they're very difficult to find famous actors and actresses to play them..

How's this sound?


Delores Umbridge - Judi Dench with a lot of makeup
Firenze - a brief cameo by Jude Law
Bellatrix LeStrange - Anjelica Huston


Slughorn - Jonathan Rhys-Davies, minus the beard. Or David Ogden Stiers.
Fenrir - Vinnie Jones or Jason Statham
Rufus Scrimgoer - He's tough. I'm thinking David Suchet, who plays Hercule Poirot for the BBC.

Sound good?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm...interesting choices of cast. Now please refresh my memory, WHO is Fenrir again? His name sounds familiar, and I like Jason Statham so...who is he in the series again? Was he good or was he bad?

As for that dude who played Scotty in the original Star Trek series...I agree with ya, he would've made a good Sluggy. *grins* But didn't JK said she ain't gonna cast non-British actors? If Scotty (can't remember his name) was born in Vancouver, then his chance of being chosen would've been slim to none, don't you think so?

Fri Jul 22, 10:19:00 PM 2005  

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