Big Badda-Boom!
Did it work?
So that was a pretty full weekend. Took a day trip to Red Wing on Sunday, as plans with Jenn's friend either fell through or never happened, depending on your view of things. Good time, for the most part, Red Wing's one of those small towns that used to be a bigger deal. Old school downtown area, right on the river, that kind of thing.
Sunday I did 4 loads of laundry. At the time I thought I had washed everything I needed, but, of course, after I get home I see that there's still some stuff on the couch that I needed to wash. Ah, well, I should be good for a bit, its just a tad frustrating.
And while I was in Red Wing, I found a Transformer I've been looking for for a while. Hound is a Transformers Alternator, which is a separate line from the Cybertron line, composed of 20 dollar, model-realistic looking vehicles from real car manufacturers. Counting Hound, I have four from the set: One Dodge Viper, one Subaru Impreza, and one Ford Mustang. Other figures in the line include a Mazda RX-8, a Corvette, and I believe a Porsche. Hound is a Jeep Wrangler, and is by far the most faithful adaptation in the Alternator line. Faithful from the original G1 figure, I mean.
His vehicle mode is, yeah, a Jeep Wrangler. More of a simple vehicle than the others I own, its roofless, with four seats, an adjustable steering wheel, and opening side doors, hood, and tailgate. His robot mode, again, is extremely faithful to the Generation 1 version of the character. His transformation is by far the simplest of all of my Alternators, which tended to require some kind of breakage in order for it to work effectively, and its a very sleek figure. I was a little concerned that his gun would be useless kibble (parts that don't have a place in both modes, note the excess parts in the G1 picture as an example), as the previous figures all used the engines as guns, but then I discovered that the spare tire holds the gun in an almost holster-like fashion, a VERY cool feature. It also means that he's a leftie, which is neat as a fellow southpaw.
okay, review over. Sunday I ate at Marcello's for dinner, burned my mouth on their late pizza, and then we went to the St Louis Park fireworks display. A very cool display, I'll probably be going back there next year. The viewing area is only a hundred yards from the launch site, and the way the wind was blowing shot the fireworks right overhead. Plus it was earlyenough and lit up enough where we were able to see the smoke trails from the explosions, a very cool effect. And the smoke from the fireworks covered the area afterwards. It was a fun time.
And now we come back to reality. Today feels like a monday, which I suppose should be a good thing. But I'm still realizing that I have 4 days to get 5 days worth of stuff done. Which is, now that I think about it, nothing. Eh, saturday's only a few days away, and next weekend's looking like it's going to be a good time. But more on that in an upcoming blog.
Oh, and I find this rumor hilarious: Justin Timberlake as Harvey Dent in the next Batman. Quoting "An anonymous source stated, 'Justin would be a perfect choice. He is getting more and more into a film career alongside his music one.' " I would like to know who this anonymous source is so I can laugh in his/her face and/or smack him/her in the head. Yes, he's a perfect choice for an extremely dark character, a district attorney who becomes a stone-cold killer type. For a part that Tommy Lee Jones or Russell Crowe would be good for.
The perfect choice, that's classic. Go drink your Kool-Aid.
But has a unsubstantiated rumor of Sean Penn as the Joker. Also Paul Bettany, who played Charles in A Beautiful Mind and is in the upcoming DaVinci Code movie. Both would be interesting choices, but are, again, purely speculation at this point.
I don't think Penn would do it, anyway, he considers himself too serious of an actor to do a comic book movie. Besides, he has to have a sense of humor to play Joker, and, as his appearance at the Academy Awards proves, Spicoli has no sense of humor anymore.
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