Tuesday, October 18, 2005


An exact quote from TD Mischke, radio personality on AM1500 in the Twin Cities. Unless he's doing a bit, he's usually one of the more subdued guys you've ever heard, and one who definitely puts a lot of focus into his show.

I was in bed last night listening to his show, interviewing one of his callers, when, in the middle of one of the woman's sentences, he absolutely loses it.

He was watching the Astros-Cardinals game, had just witnessed what Bill Simmons referred to today as the Stomach Punch by Albert Pujols.

I'm really pushing for Houston to make it to the World Series, but after a home run like that, I'm not so sure they're going to be able to pull it off, despite being up 3-2 in the series.

And I'll be watching game six.


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