Thursday, October 13, 2005

Random Stuff

- Why is "Attention Deficit Disorder" such a long word?

- Just when I thought I was getting somewhere in Dark Cloud 2, I learn about the Monster Transformation functions. Sweet Martha's Cookies... This game is DEFINITELY going to be worth a replay in the future. It might even force me to buy the flipping strategy guide, damn them.

- No work tomorrow! Woo hoo!

- I bought myself a Transformers Collectors Series figure yesterday. Review forthcoming, as it's really not worth bothering about.

- Boredom makes me do bored things. So I found a few fragments of comic strips that I wish I could find a place for somewhere. Here they are, with links to the original images.

VGCat's rules. Here's Scott Ramsoomair's version of Harry Potter. Thankfully tame, as he's usually a fan of the blood spurt, potty humor, and/or sexual innuendo, subtle or not-so. Not that there's anything wrong with any of those, of course. Anyway:

And a nice random picture, along with a comic for fans of MMORPGs (and if you don't know what that means, then you're probably not into them):

I haven't made many (any) Transformers Avatars yet, so I decided to do a few, pictures used from (link on the sidebar). One for my new favorite Cybertron figure, Brakedown:

Another for one of my all-time favorite head sculpts, Alternator Grimlock:

Finally, for a future Seibertron signature will probably use Ransack as the basis for my alter-ego, KanedaX, here's an accompanying icon:


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