Monday, December 26, 2005

Back To It

I wanna start up on my bank holiday rant again, but after having the last week off, it'd probably be a little half-hearted.

All I know is that, compared to today, the day after Christmas, the above rant from the day after Thanksgiving feels slightly absurd. In basic phrasology, it is DEAD downtown today. I left for work at my normal time, driving because the buses were running holiday schedules. Expecting to just barely make it to work, I ended up being a half-hour early and in a discounted parking spot. The skyway to work was locked because the adjacent building was shut down. Most restaraunts are closed, so finding a place to eat lunch may be difficult. And it's 10 am and I've only gotten two phone calls.

In hindsight, I probably should have brought my new mp3 player in and started building it up.

Christmas is almost over for me and my family. My mom's side of the family is getting together on New Year's Day for our Christmas lunch, but that's a present-free experience. Aside from the other $345 from my cousin's boyfriend in return for my ticket to Vegas.

A decent haul, all things considered:

- An mp3 player (not an ipod, but beggars can't be choosers)
- An electric toothbrush (which my dentist strongly recommended for me)
- Seven cd's: Sufjan Stevens' Michigan & Illinois, Radiohead, Journey, and burned copies of Dungen, The Decembrists, and Langhorne Slim
- Batman Begins
- Gun (for the PS2)
- Smallville Season 2 (which will be exchanged for Season 1)

But the fun should be coming from the $250 from my parents, plus the $100-150 I'm allowing myself from the cash that would have gone to Vegas. Nintendo DS w/ two or three games, Serenity, Angel Season 3, Big Lebowski, Starscream, and Evac... it's a good thing I drove into work today.

More posts later, most likely, as I'm bored.


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