Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Throw it O'er Your Shoulder

Alright, to quote Jerry Seinfeld "Who Are These People?!?" I was walking through City Center when I came upon a kid walking around with stretched out earlobes, and loops in them that are 2-inches wide, at least.

I can understand tattoos. Sure, feel free to mark up your body, if you decide later in life to be more conservative then it can be covered up or removed. If you don't decide to be concervative, that's fine too, some tattoos are cool, and if you want to be a 70-year-old with a picture of Bugs Bunny on your ass then that's your perrogative.

Wanna pierce yourself? Knock yourself out, those heal over.

But I've never understood the stretched lobe thing. Are they expecting to be that way forever? and if they're not, if they decide one day "eh, I don't like the hoop thing anymore, its so last Saturday," then what happens then? do they buy flesh-colored filler? Do they have their lobes surgically removed? Do they roll them up, or tie them in a bow? or do they just let them blow free in the wind, slapping them in the face with every strong gust to the back of their head?

In either case, if you're all for thinking that making others nautious in your presence is hip, then more power to ya, I suppose. Remind me that I want to get my eyelids removed and get that hot new surgery that allows my intestines to survive outside of my body. That'll show those starched shirts that I AM NOT A ROBOT!



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