Monday, January 09, 2006

More Than I Thought

Considering if someone asked me, I would still think that I've barely seen the show, the fact that I recognize almost all of the characters in this doujinshi's collage kinda surprises me. I've apparently seen the B&M a LOT more than I had originally thought.

And, like the PPG Doujinshi was a highly-recommended webcomic for those fans of any Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon show (PPG, Dexter, Zim, etc), this new one, Grim Tales, is great for anyone who's a fan of Nightmare Before Christmas, Spawn, and/or Billy & Mandy. Apparently the focus is that it takes place 20 or so years after the events of B&M, with Mandy grown up and becoming the queen of the underworld, with she and Grim hooking up and having undead children. Creepy, but still pretty interesting.

There's more stuff for me to talk about, having seen two movies over the weekend, but I gotta do some stuff. So... later....


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