Sunday, May 29, 2005

Ooooh, Two Geek Updates

There, I found something worthwhile to speak of. Well, worthwhile to me, at least. Bite me.

First off, next month Dark Horse Comics is releasing a new Angel series, continuing where the TV series left off. First series will deal with Angel returning to Romania to get the "true happiness" clause removed from the curse after averting a few apocalypses. Eventually the rest of the cast, Spike, Gunn, Illyria, maybe Connor or Lorne, will make appearances. And since its Dark Horse, there's a very good chance that some Buffy folks may make appearances, too. Probably a lot of it will depend on Whedon's voice in the matter of a Buffy movie, if he wants to leave thse characters separate till a movie or not. Might push these movies forward a bit.

Second, Michael Bay has officially been signed to direct the Transformers movie for next summer. Say what you will about his movies, but the man can direct some damn good car chase scenes, jet work, and fight scenes. And I can't WAIT to see what he does with cars and planes that transform and fight each other!


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