Wednesday, June 08, 2005

*SMACK* *snore*

oh, sorry bout that, I slammed my head on the desk and fell asleep. I got out of rehearsal at quarter to 11, which is earlier than some of the others. Got to sleep around midnight, was woken up at 4 am to a severe thunderstorm, and didn't go to sleep again after 5, being woken up again at quarter to 7 to my alarm and a sleeping hand. Ugh...

So I get another one of those things tonight. Thank God I'm taking Friday off, I was already feeling my throat tiring out last night.

Plus I got my car into the shop, I'll find out the damage soon enough. Hopefully nothing too bad, but the guy at the shop warned me that I might not get it back today if its a wiper-transmission problem.

But, in smaller, yet interesting, news, I got a look at the teaser for the RENT movie this morning. It actually looks pretty good, but I'm torn about them bringing back most of the original cast. It's great for the fans, and you can't say that they don't know the material. My only concern is the 90210 factor, watching actors and actresses in their late 30's playing characters in their early-to-mid 20's. Kinda brutal.

But one thing I did learn from it, which I should have known but didn't, was that the guy who plays Collins, my favorite character, I've seen do other work before. Jesse L Martin, he's currently one of the two cops on "Law & Order". Plus I saw him on the Tonys a few nights ago singing "Razz-Ma-Tazz" from "Chicago", which I'm sure they did because the number was originated by his old "L&O" co-star Jerry Orbach.

Wow, I'm tired AND rambly. I think that's enough for today...


Blogger Turtle said...

I don't really buy into this particular "90210" criticism. First off, actors are aged up for movies and stage shows all the time. there's no real reason not to have them play younger -- it's why we act, yeah?

Second, most of the roles in RENT don't HAVE to be twenty-something characters. Joanne and Collins work especially well as older adults, as one is a lawyer, the other a professor/scholar. All of the characters are folks who have been doing their particular thing long enough to be frustrated, starving, etc. at it -- we know that Collins has previiously been at MIT, Roger has been a musician for some time, Mark has been trying to make his Life's Film. Mimi's a dancer, so yeah, she's a bit younger, and I think that's likely one of the reasons her original actor isn't back.

That's my take on it, anyway. Also, the original cast was the best. But I'm spoiled:-)

Wed Jun 08, 08:56:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Bill said...

I see your point... I guess I'm just used to seeing younger actors in the productions that I've seen, plus the actors who were in the original cast and are in this movie I'm used to seeing in more mature roles than they have in this... that's why its a little disconcerting to me, I guess...

Thu Jun 09, 08:27:00 AM 2005  

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