- WE WON AGAIN! W00t! Ummm, for Fantasy Football.
- I saw The Weatherman over the weekend. Not the most depressing movie I've ever seen, but it definitely cracks the top 5 (Below About Schmidt, American Beauty, Schindler's List, and Batman & Robin).
- Finished Katamari Damacy over the weekend. There's still more I could probably do, but I started another one up (mentioned next). Always good to know that I beat the last level so hard that I made the King cry like a little baby. Finished with a Katamari about 850 meters across, picking up land mass, cloud formations, passing storm systems. Good times.
And, once again, I love how very few people reading this probably have no idea what I'm talking about.
- So, having finished Katamari, I have started up on Xenosaga, Vol. II. Bought it at GameStop, only to come home and discover that I still had a bid on eBay for it which I won for $11. So I'll play it for a few more days, return it on Friday, and hopefully my new game'll be here by then.
So far, it's fun. There's definitely a LOT of things to get used to, including a new combat system that relies heavily on boosts & combos. Complicated, I'm still having trouble figuring it out, as it becomes pretty button-intensive, as far as turnbased RPG's go. But it's a thrill when you finally figure out what you're doing and blast a boss for a chain that adds up to about 5ooo HP. Also, I guess the makers of the game assumed that, since you already beat Xenosaga I, you already know what you're doing. Therefore you're basically tossed to the wolves from the word "go".
And the skill education system's going to take a lot of getting used to, since you're basically given the option of learning, oh, 50 or so skills from the beginning, with more afterwards, and only a certain amount of points to learn them with. I'm afraid I'm gonna learn the wrong ones and be screwed for life.
There's definitely a lot of pluses to this game, though, most of which I haven't gotten to yet. Because I HAVE beaten the first Saga they give me some level bonuses at the beginning, as well as a Swimsuit for a few characters, which gives them some strength & Boost bonuses.
Also, it appears that the game is programmed to actually show costume changes for characters when they change equipment. The first level takes place almost immediately after the end of the first game, so they're still in their same gear as the original game. But they quickly change clothes.
Add to that the Swimsuits and there's a definite change. It's kinda necessary right now to keep the suits on these characters, as they do get all these bonuses. But I'm also not too difficult to look at
KOS-MOS in a
The AGWS system, giant mechs, looks like it should be a hoot when I get there. They start you out in one, in a flashback sequence, and it reminds me a lot so far of the original Xenogears, with your AGWS becoming more of a part of your character than just a separate weapon. The two player,
Double Dash style, pilot system is promising to be difficult.
Another system they're stealing from other games, which should be fun when it gets there, is the Double system, pretty much a clone of the Dual & Triple Techs of Chrono Trigger.
The game recognizes that you're playing in the same universe as the first, so it's refreshing to run through towns, buildings, and ships that are familiar enough from the original, but with increased graphics & processing ability, much more accessable.
I'm liking it. As you can see.
Auditions tonight for Secret Garden. More to come.