So they apparently found
this thing on the bottom of the ocean floor, and had to make a new genus for it.
Amazing that there's still so many mysteries in the world. But, still... *shudder*
If it weren't March 23rd, I'd almost play it off as an April Fool's joke, but there it sits.
Good God, that thing's creepy.
In other news, I'm starting to wonder what I got myself into. Wednesday night I had probably the most intense choreography session for a show that I've had since... man, I don't know, college? Ever? The kind that leaves you coated in water, and your face on fire from overexertion. It's been a long time since I've done a number where everyone in the cast is laying on the ground exhausted and moaning when the choreographer says to do it again. And when I asked "so how much more do we still have to learn?" she responded, "two thirds."
Very fast, very hard, very sweaty. Very, um, innuendo...
In a little more personal news (and the person I'm referring to is probably reading this), I'm back on speaking terms with a friend I haven't been on good terms with for the past 4 or 5 months. Nothing quite like having an email from an ex, signed as "Mrs Guy-She-Left-You-For", to make you realize that things could be a hell of a lot worse with the rest of your social circle.
So I'll be going on a road trip next weekend because of it, because friend-in-question is the lead female in a show in her college town, and I wanna do the support thing.
Vague enough? I hate using names.
I also haven't been out of the Cities in probably a year, year and a half, so I'm all for ROAD TRIP!! w00t!!
Alright, if anyone reading this has any video game experience, I have an opinion I need. I'm planning on throwing some b-day money at some games in the next week. Is a better choice:
- Guitar Hero w/ Guitar
- DDR w/ Pad
- A combination of two of the three: Metroid Prime Hunters, Kingdom Hearts II, or Worms DS(which add up to about the same as the previous two choices)
Metroid Prime came out Tuesday, Worms comes out today, KH2 comes out next week. I want all three of them, but in the case of at least two of them I can wait for a discounted eBay or Gamestop rate. I've heard nothing but good about Guitar Hero, and I'd love to have it, but it's also a 60 dollar package. And in the case of both it and DDR I don't know if it's as much fun with my complete lack of video game social life. At least with MPH and WDS I can play complete strangers on the DS. And KH2 is one player, but I'm not going to have a lot of time to play it in the next few months because of its complete non-portability. PS2 and all.
I wanted to jump onto some of the forums for my video-game webcomics to get some expert opinions from gamers, but I'm thrown.
VGCats isn't accepting new members, and I got banned from
Penny Arcade, despite the fact that I've never been on there before. Odd odd odd.